A Circle of Vultures
By Michael Kuty

Series Description:

Janelle Townsend, a troubled Medical Examiner, has crossed paths with a collection of the most ruthless, wretched people to draw breath. Dr. Doyle Grimaldi - a gifted, egotistical transplant surgeon, Berkleigh Harefield - former poster child for heart transplants, now a cold-blooded killing machine, and the mysterious, horrible Vincent Van Nostrand. She must do whatever it takes to break the circle and escape the series of terrifying events that pass for her life now. Problem is, the people she's dealing with may not be people after all - they may be something far, far worse. 

Category/Genre(s): Adult Fiction, Horror, Mystery/Thriller, Paranormal
Updated: Monthly
Status: Inactive

Author Bio For Michael Kuty:

When I'm not spending time with my wife and two boys, I'm either writing, reading, or underwriting flood insurance. After graduating college, I moved to New York City to break into acting, getting parts in public-access television shows as well as extra roles in movies such as Subway Stories and Private Parts. I moved back to Virginia to attend professional wrestling school until a couple close calls in the ring made me realize a life in the center of the flying chairs and tables wasn't for me. That's when the writing bug bit and bit hard. I wrote and self-published three comic book titles under the company name Enemy Transmission and am now transitioning into the world of graphic novels minus the graphics.

Series Description:

Janelle Townsend, a troubled Medical Examiner, has crossed paths with a collection of the most ruthless, wretched people to draw breath. Dr. Doyle Grimaldi - a gifted, egotistical transplant surgeon, Berkleigh Harefield - former poster child for heart transplants, now a cold-blooded killing machine, and the mysterious, horrible Vincent Van Nostrand. She must do whatever it takes to break the circle and escape the series of terrifying events that pass for her life now. Problem is, the people she's dealing with may not be people after all - they may be something far, far worse. 

Category/Genre(s): Adult Fiction, Horror, Mystery/Thriller, Paranormal
Updated: Monthly
Status: Inactive

Author Bio For Michael Kuty:

When I'm not spending time with my wife and two boys, I'm either writing, reading, or underwriting flood insurance. After graduating college, I moved to New York City to break into acting, getting parts in public-access television shows as well as extra roles in movies such as Subway Stories and Private Parts. I moved back to Virginia to attend professional wrestling school until a couple close calls in the ring made me realize a life in the center of the flying chairs and tables wasn't for me. That's when the writing bug bit and bit hard. I wrote and self-published three comic book titles under the company name Enemy Transmission and am now transitioning into the world of graphic novels minus the graphics.